Living in the land down under... it's just another condiment option at every hotel's breakfast bar! Spread it THINLY on toast. Never overdo it!

It's another warm one here in the NT, and at 4pm we're still not to the day's top temperature. But it's a dry heat so it's tolerable. Add the humidity that comes in the summer and it would just be miserable. For now, we're all staying hydrated and are as clear and copious as possible, moving into the shade whenever possible, keeping our sunnies on, and regularly applying the suncream. This Scouter has been helping ensure that we've all been just fine.
And below is a compilation of signs from our hike yesterday in Maguk... ALWAYS pay attention to your surroundings! Crocs can be anywhere. And most important...whatever you do...
♫ never smile at a crocodile, no you can't get friendly with a crocodile... ♫
In the afternoon we arrived at Nitmiluk National Park and our Lodge for the night. We went over to the boat launch to enjoy a cruise and hike between two of the 13 gorges that make up Katherine Gorge (two cruise experiences with a hike between each gorge to get from boat to boat). It was a nice and relaxing time after much go, go, go the past few days. Not much wildlife but we did see our first freshwater crocodile.
After our two-gorge cruise and hike, we hiked back to the first gorge and were picked up by the dinner boat and then enjoyed a nice, three-course candlelight dinner cruise back through the first gorge. What an amazing adventure that was! Our own real-life "jungle cruise" has happened multiple times and in multiple ways this week. I love it. Plus, while I couldn't get great photos of them, last night was our first time to be in total darkness, and enjoy a beautifully decorated starry sky! It was simply stunning. So many wonderful experiences that you too could enjoy here in the top end of Australia's outback. And at the end of the evening, though my camera didn't capture them very well, the starfield was incredible as there was absolutely zero light pollution in the gorge. Stunning to enjoy looking at, for certain!